- 418128, 当一个被disabled的 members/POOL在启用后,如果irule在LB selected事件之前的其它事件中执行pool 类命令的话,会导致LB::status对该对象返回的状态信息为session_disabled或down,此版本修正为输出unset
- 469020, 为gtm_add增加 -y参数,代表对所有问题输入YES
- 471856, version 11.x TMSH and REST GTM Pool and Wide IP related commands are not supported in BIG-IP DNS version 12.x. The changes to iControl REST API and iRules commands are documented on DevCentral. This occurs because of the GSLB Additional Record Types feature in version 12.0.0. This feature adds query types to BIG-IP DNS Pools, Wide IPs, and related objects. That means that version 11.x TMSH and REST commands for GTM Pool, Wide IP, and related objects (Pool Members, Aliases, Wide IP Pools, Wide IP Rules, and so on) are not supported in version 12.x. The changes to iControl REST API and iRules commands are documented on DevCentral
- 474024 , zone状态的指示变化,blue-刚启动或刚reenable的临时状态,绿色-成功transfer后,黄色-没有和master连接,但是尚未过期,红色-zone过期且无法更新。 The zxfrd db dump is scheduled every time zone data changes (on transition to unknown, offline or available state).
- 475680, tmsh支持对wideip的irule设置优先级
- 485104 , 增加return code on failure功能(全局、wideip、或者irule),这样当所有LB方式都失败后(非return to dns情形)系统可以返回设置的failure code,并返回设定的negative SOA TTL值,这将适应RFC的要求:
1234567893 - Negative Answers from Authoritative ServersName servers authoritative for a zone MUST include the SOA record ofthe zone in the authority section of the response when reporting anNXDOMAIN or indicating that no data of the requested type exists.This is required so that the response may be cached. The TTL of thisrecord is set from the minimum of the MINIMUM field of the SOA recordand the TTL of the SOA itself, and indicates how long a resolver maycache the negative answer. - 501287, Users with the Operator roles can now Enable and Disable Pools, Pool Members, and WideIPs.
- 512016, 增加db key dns.udptruncate 控制是否打开和关闭 dns truncate功能,控制当系统收到到大于512 bytes的响应时候行为