1.首先确保已经有备份的.ucs文件,备份方法:通过配置工具的archives菜单或b config save filename
a. 将ucs文件拷贝到某个目录,如/var/local/ucs/ 下
c.执行 b config install /var/local/ucs/***.ucs
[root@ltm:Active] config # b config install 20080308.ucs
Saving active configuration...
Current configuration backed up to /var/local/ucs/cs_backup.ucs.
Installing full configuration on host ltm.dcfs.digitalchina.com
Reading configuration from /config/bigip_base.conf.
Reading configuration from /usr/bin/monitors/builtins/base_monitors.conf.
Reading configuration from /config/profile_base.conf.
Reading configuration from /config/daemon.conf.
Reading configuration from /config/bigip.conf.
Reading configuration from /config/bigip_local.conf.
Loading the configuration ...
d.验证ssh keys是否同SCCP和BIGIP同步 : keyswap.sh sccp
Creating UCS for config save request...
Dec 8 12:00:00 bigip1 mcpd[2395]: 01070608:0: License is not operational
(expired or digital signature does not match contents).
Loading the new /config/BigDB.dat failed.
01080023:3: Error return while getting reply from mcpd: 0x1070370,
01070370:3: Failover (redundant mode) is not licensed.
After updating your license, run
loaddb -local /config/BigDB.dat.cs
Re-license the system.
Finish loading the BigDB.dat information by typing the following command:
loaddb -local /config/BigDB.dat.cs
To install the operating system and restore configuration data to a new system, perform the following steps:
1. Network boot the system software from the CD-ROM drive.
2. After the system software installs, reboot the system by typing the following command:
3. Connect to the serial port.
4. From the command line,type the following command:
5. Follow the prompts to configure the system with an IP address.
6. Copy the UCS archive file to the system.
7. Set the hostname of the system to match the hostname of the system on which the UCS archive was created, by typing the following command:
hostname <hostname>
Important: If you do not set the hostname to match the original hostname, the configuration restoration will fail.
8. Restore the configuration from the UCS archive, by typing the following command, replacing <filename> with the name of your UCS archive file:
bigpipe config install <filename> span>
Important: If you are restoring the backup on a different device than the system on which the backup was created, such as an RMA system, the configuration load will fail with a license error, and a BigDB.dat load error similar to the following will be displayed:
b config install /var/local/ucs/backup.ucs
Installing full configuration on host bigip1.askf5.com
Saving active configuration...
Creating UCS for config save request...
Dec 8 12:00:00 bigip1 mcpd[2395]: 01070608:0: License is not operational
(expired or digital signature does not match contents).
Loading the new /config/BigDB.dat failed.
01080023:3: Error return while getting reply from mcpd: 0x1070370,
01070370:3: Failover (redundant mode) is not licensed.
After updating your license, run
loaddb -local /config/BigDB.dat.cs
9. If you are running BIG-IP version 9.x software on a 1500, 3400, 6400, 6800, or 8400 hardware platform, type the following command to verify that the new or replaced SSH keys from the UCS file are synchronized between the BIG-IP and the SCCP:
keyswap.sh sccp
10. Reboot the system, by typing the following command:
If you installed this system on the same device on which the backup was created, after the system reboots, it will load the restored configuration; however, if you restored the backup on a different device, and received the errors noted in step 8, then perform steps 11 and 12:
11. Re-license the system.
12. Finish loading the BigDB.dat information by typing the following command:
loaddb -local /config/BigDB.dat.cs
Installing full configuration on host BF64SL0A-S1.icbc.com.cn
Saving active configuration...
Creating UCS for config save request...
Loading the new /config/BigDB.dat failed.
01080023:3: Error return while getting reply from mcpd: 0x1070370, 01070370:3: Failover (redundant mode) is not licensed.
After updating your license, run
loaddb -local /config/BigDB.dat.cs
Reading configuration from /config/bigip_base.conf.
Reading configuration from /usr/bin/monitors/base_monitors.conf.
Reading configuration from /config/profile_base.conf.
Reading configuration from /config/bigip.conf.
Loading the configuration ...
BIGpipe: VLAN creation error:
01070356:3: VLAN failsafe feature not licensed.
在命令下执行loaddb -local /config/BigDB.dat.cs
执行b load 检验应无加载错误。