- Returns the status of the currently-selected node (after LB_SELECTED event only). Possible values are: up | down | session_enabled | session_disabled
LB::status node <IP address>
- Returns the status of the node with the specified IP address. Possible values are: up | down | session_enabled | session_disabled
LB::status pool <pool name> member <IP address> <port>
- Returns the status of the specified pool member. Possible values are: up | down | session_enabled | session_disabled
LB::status <up | down | session_enabled | session_disabled>
- Returns TRUE if the status of the currently-selected node matches the specified status argument.
LB::status node <address> <up | down | session_enabled | session_disabled>
- Returns TRUE if the status of the specified node matches the specified status argument.
LB::status pool <pool name> member <address> <port> <up | down | session_enabled | session_disabled>
- Returns TRUE if the status of the specified pool member matches the specified argument. (This syntax doesn't seem to be working as expected in 9.2.3 at least... use alternate syntax in Example below)
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