[root@B3600-R20-S30:Active] images # image2disk --instslot=HD1.2 /shared/images/v10.iso
info: Repository tm_install version/release is 2.6.0/234.0
info: System tm_install version/release is 2.6.0/234.0
warning: System has no isoinfo utility; guessing that /shared/images/v10.iso is a product image.
warning: This system has old boot configuration utilities.
warning: Services must be stopped during updates.
info: System already has perl-RPM2
info: kernel for selected product supports relocation
info: Selected product requires a minimum of 1024 MiB of ram.
info: License entitlement check; pvd = 20091124, scd = 20100606
info: Begin Install: BIG-IP 10.1.0 build 3341.0 from /shared/images/v10.iso to sda, 2
info: Updating maintenance OS.
记 录1.用format参数,将重启机器进行格式化,因此如果想live install 断然不能用此参数。格式化完后另一分区系统将丢失。装完后,会自动在/shared/images/下放原始文件ISO。
image2disk 工具还是得指定ISO包的绝对路径。
安装10.1后,再用image2disk工具会提示软件卷管理方式已经可用,不让装,此时 系统是希望用户通过GUI进行安装,但可以通过--froce参数强制安装。