什么是DNS Flag Day:
DNS flag day是由google,ISC(BIND), PowerDNS,思科,Cloudflare等诸多国际知名DNS服务提供商联合发起的一项关于不再继续采取 "EDNS error workaround"措施的活动。
DNS flag day 背景:
EDNS是对DNS协议的扩展补充(RFC6891),必须DNSSEC,Client Sub net,支持大于512字节DNS响应等都是通过EDNS(Version=0)来实现扩展支持的。但是一直以来,很多DNS的权威域名服务器不能规范的处理EDNS扩展,导致类似google、BIND等公司或软件需要针对不能正确处理EDNS request的NS服务器再次发起不包含EDNS opt的请求(EDNS error workaround)来获得最终解析结果,虽然可以通过这种做法获得解析结果但这导致了DNS解析方面会存在很大的延迟。
7. Transport Considerations
12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 The presence of an OPT pseudo-RR in a request should be taken as anindication that the requestor fully implements the given version ofEDNS and can correctly understand any response that conforms to thatfeature's specification.Lack of presence of an OPT record in a request MUST be taken as anindication that the requestor does not implement any part of thisspecification and that the responder MUST NOT include an OPT recordin its response.Extended agents MUST be prepared for handling interactions withunextended clients in the face of new protocol elements and fall backgracefully to unextended DNS when needed.Responders that choose not to implement the protocol extensionsdefined in this document MUST respond with a return code (RCODE) ofFORMERR to messages containing an OPT record in the additionalsection and MUST NOT include an OPT record in the response.If there is a problem with processing the OPT record itself, such asan option value that is badly formatted or that includes out-of-rangevalues, a FORMERR MUST be returned. If this occurs, the responseMUST include an OPT record. This is intended to allow the requestorto distinguish between servers that do not implement EDNS and formaterrors within EDNS.
- DNS服务器前的防火墙有无丢弃 包含 EDNS OPT的请求或响应包
- DNS服务系统本身是否已经正确配置EDNS支持
- DNS服务系统提供商是否已经提供解决dns flag day的相关补丁或版本
如果网络限制了该测试网站的访问,可以使用https://gitlab.labs.nic.cz/knot/edns-zone-scanner 这个测试工具
F5 DNS/GTM客户如何处理:
- 如果已经启用了DNS cache或DNS express的用户,针对检查报告中的任何疑问,建议联系F5 support获得具体建议和支持
- 关注F5官方对此的更新https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K07808381
EDNS目前依然不是强制支持项,企业可能本来就拒绝EDNS,同时也不会全球所有的public dns都会实施 DNS flag day,根据企业的解析来源属性不同,以及企业所用的DNS系统对RFC6891标准遵从行不同(The software does not need to support EDNS(0) extensions but must respond correctly when asked according to EDNS standard section 7),影响结果可能不会那么大,但还是需要注意目前ISC,google,cloudflare都明确表示会执行,因此可以预见越来越多的Public DNS会执行上述行为。
google.com. @ (ns4.google.com.): dns=ok edns=noopt edns1=ok edns@512=noopt ednsopt=noopt edns1opt=ok do=noopt ednsflags=noopt docookie=nooptedns512tcp=noopt optlist=ok,subnet